
Hunts Launches Super Food Campaign
April 24, 2024

Hunts Pork and Beans has always talked about the veggie goodness of beans. After all, moms are always on the lookout for ways to introduce vegetables into their kids' diet. However, the goodness of beans is more than just fiber and protein – it's got magnesium, too! With all these nutrients in every can of Hunts, it is apt to refer to it as a veritable "superfood." 

Hunt's "super food" campaign stars popular heartthrob Donny Pangilinan, who was chosen to help create appeal and credibility amongst the country's young adult market. This campaign is set to bring Hunts Pork and Beans into the mainstream food choices of today's health conscious generation. For them, it's an "easy" way to enjoy healthy nutrients. Watch the video here.
